
Ask your first question to pi-ProductivITy
Let us know which added value you are looking for

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You can use this form to make initial contact with pi-ProductivITy.
Afterwards, further correspondence regarding your question will take place directly via the medium of Your Preference.

  • Use of this contact form

    Interested in the services of pi-ProductivITy? You can make a first contact using the form below. All subsequent correspondence regarding any questions you may have will take place directly using your preferred method (e-mail, telephone, in person or by letter).

    After submitting the form you will receive a confirmation email (from the domain of this website). Be sure to check your spam folder.

    Fields marked with an asterisk (*) are necessary fields to be able to submit the form. If these fields are not filled in, pi-ProductivITy cannot handle your question correctly.

    Other fields (without an asterisk) are optional and allow pi-ProductivITy to better understand the relevance of topics and application areas for future services.

  • How does pi-ProductivITy handle personal data?

    The personal information that you submit via this form will not be shared by pi-ProductivITy with any other third party at any time unless you have consulted about this in advance and given your consent.

    All information provided will only be used to enable pi-ProductivITy to handle your inquiry.

    You can contact pi-ProductivITy at any time to inquire about the way in which this information is used, or about the possible adjustment or deletion of your data.

  • Use of Cookies

    This website only uses "functional" Cookies (for example, to remember your preferred language settings in your browser).

    At no time will personal information be sent from this website to the “outside world” unless you explicitly do so via this contact form (which is only read by pi-ProductivITy).

  • General Terms and Conditions

    More details about the General Terms and Conditions, the Policy for the Protection of Personal Data and the Policy for the Use of Cookies are available on this website and can also be downloaded in PDF format.

Contact information

(*) Given name and family name

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(*) E-mail address

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Country of residence

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To confirm that you have taken note of our approach to the protection of personal data, please tick the box to the left

To confirm that you have taken note of our use of Cookies, please tick the box to the left


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Details regarding your request

Subject of your request

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More details about your request

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You can send 1 or more files as attachments.
Any limitations of your mail provider regarding allowed file sizes apply.


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If you are completing this contact form on behalf of a company or organisation, please tick the box to the left

Number of employees in your organisation

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How do you prefer to correspond with us?

Type your input data here

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Types of support you are interested in

Ad-hoc troubleshooting and support

Develop custom-made end user applications

Custom-made courses

Application areas you are interested in

Microsoft Office 365
















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Feedback about this website

How did you hear about pi-ProductivITy?

Family / friends / colleagues

Google or other search engine





We would love to hear your feedback about the operation, layout and user experience of our website

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Your given name and family name must be entered in order to submit this form

Your e-mail address must be entered to be able to submit this form

pi-ProductivITy BV
Gevaertlaan 177
2260 Westerlo


0784.487.302, RPR Antwerpen - afdeling Turnhout
BE 0784.487.302
BE74 0689 4476 8307

pi-ProductivITy BV
Gevaertlaan 177
2260 Westerlo


0784.487.302, RPR Antwerpen - afdeling Turnhout
BE 0784.487.302
BE74 0689 4476 8307